- 経験豊富{けいけん ほうふ}な従業員{じゅうぎょういん}
experienced employee 意味
- "experienced craftsmanship" 意味
- "experienced diplomat" 意味
- "experienced dramatic performer" 意味
- "experienced driver" 意味
- "experienced emcee" 意味
- "experienced gardeners can mix soils in the right quantities by a rule of thumb" 意味
- "experienced gardeners can mix soils in the right quantities by rule of thumb" 意味
- "experienced grill person" 意味
- "experienced guide dog user" 意味
- "experienced driver" 意味
- "experienced emcee" 意味
- "experienced gardeners can mix soils in the right quantities by a rule of thumb" 意味
- "experienced gardeners can mix soils in the right quantities by rule of thumb" 意味